Monday, March 4, 2013

My DIY garden shed

Our garden tools meander about the house, garage, and backyard.  It drives me batty.  I like everything to have a home.  I am not phenomenal at making sure things always go right back to said home, but when I do go to put something away, I want to know right away where it belongs.

The solution was easy, get a garden shed.  I was researching options about buying or building one, when we received a large shipping container.  I eyed it and thought with a little effort, it would do a fine job of containing our garden tools.  Today I used a bypass saw and few screws to create this gem.  It's not pretty.  It won't get 1000 repins on Pinterest.  It may not last that many seasons, but it will do the job.  Best of all, it was free and it is getting more use out of something before sending it off to recycling or the landfill.

Here is it, in all it's ugly glory:

All I did was take the front piece of thin plywood and cut it into three sections.  One section was for the roof, one for the floor, and one as a half door of sorts to keep things in.

There are definitely times when buying something makes the most sense, but it's a unique challenge to see what I can do with what I have on hand. 

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